Saturday, February 27, 2010

Experiment #3

Get a jet Going!

Supplies you will need: Some thread or string small enough to fit through a straw, straws, baloons, and tape of some sort.

Directions: First feed the thread through your straw. Then find an area where you can stretch the string across the room. Either you will have to tie the ends to something or get two people to hold the ends.

Second Step: Now get another person to blow up a balloon.Then have the person hold the balloon by the neck and do not the air out.

Third step: Tape the staw onto the balloon.

Third Step: now take the baloon connected to the straw and go to one end of the string.

Now the final step let the balloon go and watch it race down the string! Here are my children doing the experiment!


  1. It would be fun to use different sizes of balloons to show how the ones with the most air have the most force. You could also show how different types of string also make a difference in the speed of the same size baloons.

  2. I really like how you got a picture and explained the process in which your activity related to science. It didn't cost a lost, and it is a great way to do a hands-on activity. GREAT JOB!! One suggestion is to have various types of balloons. :) Or you could put a rock inside a balloon, to see if weight has an effect on time.

  3. If would be fun for students to have them partner up and race their balloons and record the times to see who was fastest.
